Authorized/King James Version (KJV) > Allan Longprimer Edition

First printed in 1952, the King James Version Longprimer Bible is a sumptuous, traditional reference setting of the Authorized Version. Developed by Oxford University Press and now published exclusively by R. L. Allan as Her Majesty's Printers for Scotland, it has for many years been our flagship Bible, renowned the world over for its clarity of type and our beautiful bindings.

The standard format Longprimer edition is printed on a 36gsm Bible paper with the best possible combination of opacity and readability, and is available in both leather-lined and non-leather-lined (‘paste-off’) binding styles.


Printed on the highest quality 36gsm highly opaque Bible paper * Large, clear, black letter type * 100,000 centre column chain references with dates above * Three ribbon markers * Art gilt page edges * Contains 16 pages of Oxford Bible maps, concordance, subject index and dictionary of proper names * Exclusively available in Allan's fine leather bindings.


8 3/4 inches x 6 inches (221 x 150 mm)

Type size
